6 Epic Writing Groups That Will Triple Your Creativity and Keep You Inspired
Snag the Treasures in LegendFiction!
Hiya, legends!
I have recently been made aware that I never shared a handy dandy list of all the freakishly awesome writer support systems we have for the LegendFiction community.
I was also only recently made aware that Christmas is in a month and that ice cream mix will turn into butter if you walk away from the high-speed mixer.
Why don’t people let me in on these things???
Anyway, short and snappy, here are the epic things we’ve got going on.
Almost all of them are free, all the time!
1. Evening Writing Society
Starting at 8PM EST, ending whenever you brain clocks out for the evening, night owls can jump on a Google Meet, share their stories and writing goals, mute, hammer out a writing sprint (you get to pick the time—very flexible), then come back together to share about the awesome progress you made, work out some kinks, and jump back into the grind. Trust me, other legends are much better writing buddies than the eraser shavings on your desk. Bring your a hot drink and your pet crow.
Free to all members. Join the community and get daily reminders!
2. Forge of Legends
Psst. I’ll let you in on a secret.
This is also a writing sprint group, just like above, except it’s for you inexplicable creatures that work better when the sun is out. (Tell me, are you wizards??)
It starts at 9AM EST. (In my defense, I am up by 9AM, but 9AM my time, not EST. That is an uncivilized early hour where I am.)
Free to all LegendFiction members. RSVP to get reminders!
3. Weekend Meetup
It can be tricky to dedicate enough time for writing sprints every day so you can hang with other writers. And besides, what if you don’t want to just bang on your keyboard? What if you want to talk shop and all the writerly trash, victories, and funnies you’ve had to deal with in a week? Our weekly meetups are for you!
On Saturdays at 8PM EST, gather round the virtual campfire and share your battle stories!
Free for all LegendFiction members. Get reminders each week when you register!
4. Stories Live
It is terrifying to have other people read your work—but not here!
Every two weeks, on Thursday at 7PM EST, our group meets to have read 1,000 words of each other’s stories—imagine hearing a tidbit of your work as an audiobook!—and receive kind and constructive feedback. Nothing to fear here—only to have fun with! We’re all coven mates here.
This is a special event for paying members. When you support LegendFiction at $5 per month, you get access to this wonderful group.
5. Tavern Hours
Imagine office hours, but much cooler, where authors gather and beat the living daylights out of plot holes and writer’s block. It’s awesome, every other Monday at 7PM EST, and we chat and tackle your gremlin-y questions.
Oh, and Tolkein and Lewis workshopped LOTR and Narnia in a tavern, so… do with that what you will. 😏
Free for all, join LegendFiction to RSVP now and get this event on your calendar!
6. Founder’s Fireside
Okay, babycakes, here’s where we get top tier, S-class, grail-level. On appointment, join Dominic, and he will walk you through his expertise in any scribe-ish clogs you may be at. Marketing? Publishing? Navigating the sheer, glorious chaos of daily life as a writer? Bring it to Dominic. He’s your in-house Gandalf, Obi Wan, Dumbledore.
This is an exclusive group at $10 per month.
Dip into the treasure trove, legends! TRIPLE your writing!
Which event do you join each week?
When do you like to write each day?