Need some motivation to get writing? We’re opening up our LegendForge Morning Writing sessions to the public!
As of 2024, we’ve opened up our Dawnbreakers writing sessions to be a public Youtube Livestream (almost every morning!), and now check out the mid-morning LegendForge.
Here’s how it works:
We gather, share our goals for the following hour, then part ways to write, then come back in the following hour to report our progress. There’s no judgement, just support from fellow writers.
There’s no limit on what you write, either. Fiction, non-fiction, Catholic, secular…business articles to novels to comics. All are welcome.
It’s a great way to get to know fellow Legends, ask questions, get advice, and most of all, feel the commitment to your craft.
Join us at 9 am, 10 am, and 11 am Eastern time, Monday - Friday.
Try us out! Join a call, write along, meet fellow authors.
All free.
These events are hosted by Karina Fabian, a community legend and mentor, who writes her novels along with you.
If Karina isn't available, there's no reason you can't forge ahead yourselves! This is simply a room where we can gather to hold each other accountable.
We hang out in Google Meet, which lets you pick epic backgrounds that fit your mood.
The Path of the Legend Forge centers on daily writing habits, making consistent progress. We are more than spurts of creativity, we are a forge of imagination.
(Note: everyone agrees to the code of conduct - which is to be a good human being. But that goes without saying.)
Comments? Questions? Ecstatic cheers from dragon back?
Chat with you in the comments, or in the community!
May the lore be with you!